4 Mayıs 2010 Salı

Pictures of Today 05.05.2010

An election campaign in Philippines
Ahmedinjad and Ban-Ki-Moon are shaking hands at UN Building
French protesters carrying Persian President's posters and protesting human rights in Iran.
Turkish President Abdullah Gül and Japanese Prince are at a cocktail in İstanbul
Table shows the countries who used IMF and EU aids for their economies.
A beautiful bird sings in Minsk, Russia.

2 Mayıs 2010 Pazar

Pictures of Today 02.05.2010

Palestinian woman is crying because her son was killed by Israeli soldiers.
A young woman carrying Stalin's picture at May Day.
Oil spill at Gulf Mexico
Obama at Michigan University
Police officer inspectin the car full of bombs at Times Square, NY
People celebrating May Day in North Korea, next to Chinese border.
English PM Gordon Brown is at a political debate on BBC with his rivals of elections.
The show at the opening ceremony of EXPO 2010 Shangai, China
A Greek policeman escaping from angry protesters at May Day